Multi-channel ultrasonic tester



¢ß ·¹À̳ª    TEL  : 042-863-6320
  »óÇ°¼³¸í : ¡á RAYNAR-3000, multi-channel ultrasonic signal collection and analysis system is high speed 8 channels multiplexing ultrasonic defect detector

UAIS v2.0 Àüüȭ¸é ±¸¼º
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Main Features
Pulser / Receiver A/D card
Type-Switchable spike Analog input 4ch synchronous
Amplitude - 300 volts 100MHz sampling speed
Wideband Bandwidth - 0.5~300MHz 12 bit resolving power
Gain - Adjustable 60dB Various trigger functions
Display Presentation - RF DSO function
Mode - Pulse / Echo, Pitch / Catch  
PRR - 0.1KHz-300KHz  
Multiplexer - 1~8channels  

measurement of ultrasonic thickness Estimation of supersonic waves
ultrasonic testing video system composition
Analysis and estimation of Materials video restoration system composition
Medical video system composition