High resolution ultrasonic image reconstruction system



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  »óÇ°¼³¸í : ¡á In ultrasonic imaging, the resolution is sometimes poor as the wavelength of inclusion approaches the size of the object.
Recently, a small crack detection and sizing technique using MCRW was proposed. By the technique, it is possible to detect a crack as small as 1-2mm.
Ultrasonic image reconstruction by the Mode-Converted Rayleigh wave[MCRW].
Rayleigh wave reconstruction technique for inclusion sizing was investigated and proposed.
Receiving transducers are circularly scanned around the transmitter.


- Crack Sizing using Rayleigh Creeping Wave.
- Specular reflection remove by Deconvolution.
- Image Reconstruction using Mode Converted Rayleigh Wave Technique.

- Crack Sizing Technique using the Rayleigh Creeping Wave
- Image Reconstruction by using Mode Converted Rayleigh Wave Technique.
- Well Pose
- Rayleigh Wave Length Decision