For Clients



Sterling Resource Group    TEL  : 02-540-3030
  »óÇ°¼³¸í : ¡á How to find the best and the right candidates for your company

Finding the right candidate has always been the most difficult task faced both by a hiring company and an executive search firm. The simple fact is that there are too few qualified people available in the market. That means a SRG consultant will work day-in and day-out to identify one or more candidates who exactly fit a vacant position.

SRG spent almost a year to find a Korea country manager who had the qualifications and experiences desired by the client. In another case, a client backed out from hiring at the last minute the candidate did not meet the rigorous standards in communications skills demanded by the client.

There was another case when the client realized that it could not loose the candidate because he happened to be so good. The candidate was informed of the decision to hire even before he took his first breath after the interview. There are countless other stories about finding the right candidate. Our experiences tell us how to search and find the right candidate for your company.


Call Silver Kim at SRG and she will make a presentation or send you presentation material.

Contact: or 82-2-540-3030 or send your query to