For Candidates



Sterling Resource Group    TEL  : 02-540-3030
  »óÇ°¼³¸í : ¡á Looking for a good position? Here is how you get one¡¦

There are dozens of good positions available in Korea and overseas Some may be available only for a few days because the hiring company wants to act quickly. Other positions are regularly available. Nonetheless, time is of the essence. If you are looking for a good position, just follow these steps: 

Write a succinct resume in which you highlight your major experiences, job scope, professional training and skills, and college or university attended. Write the resume following in the following order.

The following information must contain in your resume: 
· Date of Birth
· Mobile Phone Number
· E-mail Address
· Detailed job experiences. State the latest job first.
· Schools attended
· English language skills and assessment
· Any additional professional training and skills possessed 

Send the resume in both Korean and English languages. 

Mark clearly the position or type of jobs you are looking for, or any other preference that you may have. 

Overseas positions are also available so please state if you want to apply for an overseas position. 

Send your resume to:

We will keep your resume in our database and then contact you as soon as a position becomes available